What Is Sports Vision Enhancement?
Sports vision enhancement is a curated program of exercises designed to help you achieve the visual skills you need to excel at your game.
Our program is tailored to your needs and goals and involves multiple exercises that will help your vision become more efficient. Sports vision enhancement focuses on your visual skills, including:
Eye Tracking & Attention
Eye-tracking is an important skill you use to help “keep your eye on the ball.” A couple of important skills we focus on at Rising Star Optometry include:
- Saccadic eye movements, your fast eye movements, which help you rapidly change your fixation to points of interest in space.
- Slower smooth pursuit eye movements, which help you track moving objects or keep your eyes on a target while you are in motion.
- Vergence movements, or the ability of your eyes to track objects as they come closer to you or move further away.
Focusing Accuracy
You use focusing skills every day to help keep objects clear and crisp, but accommodative inefficiencies can prevent you from focusing accurately. When this happens, it can make it difficult to focus on objects both near and far.
Depth Perception
Your eyes are constantly taking in information to help you navigate the space you’re in by using various skills, including accommodation and convergence. This is known as depth perception. However, conditions like amblyopia and strabismus can affect this crucial ability.
Eye-Hand Coordination
Eye-hand coordination is one of the most important skills in your athlete toolkit, and you use it every single day. Whether you’re throwing a ball or playing the drums, your eye-hand coordination helps you perform with accuracy and efficiency.