Eye Disease Diagnosis

Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management in San Rafael & San Francisco

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Protect Your Eyes from Disease

Eye diseases can rob you of your vision if they’re not managed or treated. While many eye diseases can develop without symptoms in their early stages, routine eye exams can detect them early.

By discovering these problems before they cause damage, we can provide you with a management plan to help preserve and protect your vision. The first step is booking an appointment, and we’ll help with the rest.

Common Eye Diseases & Conditions

Glaucoma is one of the most talked-about eye diseases worldwide for a couple of reasons. First, glaucoma can develop for years without symptoms, but the damage it causes is permanent. Second, it is highly prevalent, with nearly 3 million Americans currently living with the disease.

Glaucoma, and it’s various types, often refers to the buildup of intraocular pressure (IOP) caused by your eyes not draining fluids fast enough to maintain a stable IOP level. When this pressure rises, it damages your optic nerve and leads to vision loss. However, some types of glaucoma still occur without raising IOP.

There are 3 common types of glaucoma:

  • Open-angle glaucoma occurs when your IOP levels rise, but the drainage angle between your iris and cornea remains open. Over time, the building intraocular pressure damages your optic nerve, causing vision loss.
  • Closed-angle, or angle-closure, glaucoma occurs when the drainage angle between your iris and cornea closes, rapidly increasing IOP levels and causing vision loss. Closed-angle glaucoma is considered a medical emergency and requires immediate attention.
  • Normal-tension glaucoma occurs when your optic nerve is damaged, but your IOP levels are within a normal range. Both optometrists and researchers aren’t sure why this happens, but routine comprehensive eye exams can detect them.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the leading causes of blindness in adults over 55. It occurs when the macula, the part of your retina responsible for central vision, deteriorates over time.

There are 2 common ways AMD can affect your macula:

  • Dry AMD occurs when lipids, known as drusen, form behind the macula, causing it to deteriorate over time and leading to vision loss.
  • Wet AMD occurs when abnormal blood vessels develop underneath your macula that break and leak, damaging your macula and vision. Wet AMD is responsible for the majority of AMD-related blindness and is considered a medical emergency.

Cataracts are a common eye condition occurring when your clear crystalline becomes rigid and opaque, creating a milky appearance that clouds over your lens.

Vision problems related to cataracts are often corrected using glasses and contact lenses. The only way to remove the cataract is with cataract surgery, which replaces the cataract lens with an artificial intraocular lens.

Conjunctivitis, also known as red eye or pink eye, is a common eye condition that occurs for various reasons. While the causes may differ, common symptoms may include redness, itchiness, irritation, and stringy, mucusy discharge.

There are a few common types of conjunctivitis:

  • Allergic conjunctivitis is caused by allergic reactions. These symptoms can be managed using allergy medication and eye drops. Please consult with our optometrist before using any over-the-counter medications.
  • Bacterial conjunctivitis is contagious and could require the use of antibiotics to manage. Please avoid touching public-use items and seek assistance from our optometrist.
  • Viral conjunctivitis is also contagious and will need to run its course before you experience relief. Symptoms should dissipate over a couple of days, but please speak to our optometrist if they’re persisting longer than expected.

Detecting Eye Disease

Goldmann Applanation Tonometry

Goldmann applanation tonometry is commonly used to detect signs of glaucoma. It measures your IOP levels by lightly tapping a probe against your cornea, and monitoring the amount of pressure is needed to flatten it temporarily.

Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management

Book Your Appointment today

If you run the risk of developing an eye disease, please book an appointment today. The earlier we can detect your symptoms, the earlier we can protect and preserve your vision!

Vision Therapy Success Stories

Where to find us

San Rafael

You can find our practice in the Wellness Center on the upper level of the Montecito Plaza Shopping Center. Parking is plentiful and there are many great shopping and eating options for before or after your visit, including Trader Joes and Whole Foods across the street.

Contact Information


361 Third Street, Suite C, Montecito Plaza Wellness Center
San Rafael, CA 94901

Our Hours

10 AM6 PM
10 AM6 PM
10 AM6 PM
10 AM6 PM
10 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM

San Francisco

Our new Ingleside office is adjacent to the 19th avenue corridor and Stonestown mall. All day street and metered parking is available in front of the office. Plenty of 1, 2, and 4 hour free parking in the streets right around the practice.

Contact Information


2369 Ocean Avenue, Suite 3
San Francisco, CA 94127

Our Hours

12 PM6:30 PM
9 AM5 PM

Our new Ingleside office is adjacent to the 19th avenue corridor and Stonestown mall. All day street and metered parking is available in front of the office. Plenty of 1, 2, and 4 hour free parking in the streets right around the practice.

Contact Information


2369 Ocean Avenue, Suite 3
San Francisco, CA 94127

Our Hours

12 PM6:30 PM
9 AM5 PM

You can find our practice in the Wellness Center on the upper level of the Montecito Plaza Shopping Center. Parking is plentiful and there are many great shopping and eating options for before or after your visit, including Trader Joes and Whole Foods across the street.

Contact Information


361 Third Street, Suite C, Montecito Plaza Wellness Center
San Rafael, CA 94901

Our Hours

10 AM6 PM
10 AM6 PM
10 AM6 PM
10 AM6 PM
10 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM

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