Post-Concussion Vision

Post-Concussion Vision Rehabilitation in San Rafael & San Francisco

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Concussions Can Lead
to Vision Problems

Your eyes and brain have a close connection, and a concussion can affect your vision. Our post-concussion vision rehabilitation program is personalized and designed to strengthen the relationship between your eyes and brain. 

No matter where you’re coming from, your vision is worth the trip to the Bay Area. But we know how inconvenient a long drive can be, so we proudly offer Telehealth services. After your initial in-person visit, you can undergo your post-concussion vision rehabilitation no matter where you are.

Even if you have 20/20 eyesight, concussions and other mild traumatic brain injuries disrupt your basic visual reflexes. These include tracking, focusing, convergence, and communication with your vestibular (balance) system. This can cause eyes to quickly tire, blurred or doubled vision, light sensitivity, headaches, nausea, and many other symptoms especially with eye, head, and body movements and computer use. Unfortunately many of the effects of a concussion linger months or even years beyond initial injury. However, with our team’s help, we can design a custom rehabilitation program that fits you and your needs.

Using the latest in vision therapy techniques and technology, we can help train your visual skills to work efficiently and effectively.

Interested in how we can help? Please, book your appointment today!

The questionnaire below is specifically designed for us to get a better idea of your functional vision. Vision problems resulting from concussions can present daily challenges. Please answer the questions as best you can. At the end of the questionnaire, you’ll be provided with a recommendation for vision therapy if it seems like you will benefit from this service.

How Concussions & Brain Injuries Affect Your Vision

It’s no surprise that your brain, eyes, and other senses are intimately connected; your eyes are actually considered part of your brain. However, concussions and other traumatic brain injuries can damage the structural and functional (neuronal) connections and thus, your vision.

Research suggests that over 60% of concussion or post-concussion patients experience one or more vision problems.

Common symptoms of a concussion include headaches, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. However, when it affects your vision, some of the symptoms you may experience include, but are not limited to:

Vision problems related to traumatic brain injuries can also manifest as other issues, including learning disabilities, attention disorders, and even anxiety and panic issues.

If you find that you’re experiencing psychological problems following a traumatic brain injury, our vision rehabilitation program could reduce these symptoms and provide you with a better quality of life.

How Can We Help?

Like our vision therapy and sports vision enhancement programs, each of our patients receives a tailored program of visual exercises designed to strengthen the relationship between their eyes and visual skills.

If you’ve had a concussion recently or in the past and experience vision problems, the first step is to book an eye exam appointment. During this appointment, please let us know the exact issues you’re experiencing and we will perform a visual efficiency assessment to determine the extent of your symptoms.

The information you provide will help us locate where your visual inefficiencies lie and what programs we should curate to manage these symptoms. Your program could feature various visual exercise tools, including:

  • Therapeutic lenses, prisms and filters
  • Computerized vision games and exercises
  • Free space tracking, focusing, and convergence/divergence exercises
  • Exercises that promote improved eye-hand coordination, balance, gaze stability, depth perception, and visual motor integration
Post-Concussion Vision Rehabilitation

Let Us Help You Today!

If you have vision problems following a traumatic brain injury, please contact our team for help.

Vision Therapy Success Stories

Where to find us

San Rafael

You can find our practice in the Wellness Center on the upper level of the Montecito Plaza Shopping Center. Parking is plentiful and there are many great shopping and eating options for before or after your visit, including Trader Joes and Whole Foods across the street.

Contact Information


361 Third Street, Suite C, Montecito Plaza Wellness Center
San Rafael, CA 94901

Our Hours

10 AM6 PM
10 AM6 PM
10 AM6 PM
10 AM6 PM
10 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM

San Francisco

Our new Ingleside office is adjacent to the 19th avenue corridor and Stonestown mall. All day street and metered parking is available in front of the office. Plenty of 1, 2, and 4 hour free parking in the streets right around the practice.

Contact Information


2369 Ocean Avenue, Suite 3
San Francisco, CA 94127

Our Hours

12 PM6:30 PM
9 AM5 PM

Our new Ingleside office is adjacent to the 19th avenue corridor and Stonestown mall. All day street and metered parking is available in front of the office. Plenty of 1, 2, and 4 hour free parking in the streets right around the practice.

Contact Information


2369 Ocean Avenue, Suite 3
San Francisco, CA 94127

Our Hours

12 PM6:30 PM
9 AM5 PM

You can find our practice in the Wellness Center on the upper level of the Montecito Plaza Shopping Center. Parking is plentiful and there are many great shopping and eating options for before or after your visit, including Trader Joes and Whole Foods across the street.

Contact Information


361 Third Street, Suite C, Montecito Plaza Wellness Center
San Rafael, CA 94901

Our Hours

10 AM6 PM
10 AM6 PM
10 AM6 PM
10 AM6 PM
10 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM

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